Execute and Monitor Preselection

Step type: Complex user interface.

Step description: The preselection monitor shows the list of all generated preselection tasks grouped by the business object used in the table pool for filtering. The business objects are ordered by their execution order defined by the DTS derivation paths. The manual business objects are not shown because no task is generated for them. As a result, the first business objects listed in the monitor are those that have derivation paths with the manual business object as the input business object. For more information, see the chapter DTS Derivation Path.

In this step, you can execute and monitor the preselection as well as check the results.

NOTE You can double-click an individual object in the ALV grid displayed after the execution to navigate to the respective object overview.

Detailed functions: The execution follows the derivation of the business objects. The result of the preselection is stored in the derivation path tables and consolidated in the business object tables.

After you click Execute, an ALV grid with the following columns appears:

NOTE The functions in the toolbar are described below.

The following parameters are available:

  • Preselection objects: This parameter consists of two layers:

    1. DTS business object.

    2. DTS derivation path(s) which derives the DTS business object. This means that the business object in the first layer is the output object of the derivation path. You can define which paths derive the business object data in the step Maintain business object inputs.

  • Description: Displays a description of the preselection object.

  • Status: Displays the execution status.

  • Partitions: This parameter depends on the preselection object layer:

  • Log: Displays the execution log.

  • History: Displays the historical executions. The values of the business object tables and the derivation path tables are not included.

  • Start date: Start date of the execution.

  • Start time: Start time of the execution.

  • End date: End date of the execution.

  • End time: End time of the execution.

  • Duration: Duration of the execution in seconds.

  • Selected records: Number of selected records.

  • Stored records: Number of relevant records.

  • Partially relevant records: Relevant only for consolidation tasks, i.e. the DTS business object layer. In the derivation path layer, the value is always 0.

  • Input table: Filled only for the derivation path layer. It shows the DTS business object table of the business object defined as the input in the derivation path.

  • Output table: The DTS business object layer shows the DTS business object table. The DTS derivation path layer shows the DTS derivation path table where the results of the derivation function are stored. For more information, see the chapter DTS Derivation Path.

The toolbar provides the following functions:

  • Find (Ctrl+F): Allows you to search for a specific DTS path. Press the keyboard shortcut or click the magnifying glass icon in the screen header to open the pop-up. Enter a string into the text field that appears. After you click Confirm, a list of all occurrences of the string in the DTS derivation path name or DTS business object name is displayed. You can click an item in the list to navigate to the selected item.

  • Refresh (F8): Updates the execution status and execution statistics.

  • Schedule task(s) (Ctrl+F6): Schedules the selected tasks.

  • Schedule all (F6): Opens a pop-up with the following options:

    • Schedule all tasks: Schedules all the tasks at once.

    • Schedule task ID(s): Allows you to select a range of tasks that you want to schedule.

  • Reset task(s) (Ctrl+F7): Resets the selected task on the screen, i.e. the row with the highlighted object.

    WARNING Resetting a task deletes already collected data in the business object table or derivation path table.
  • Reset all (F7): Opens a pop-up with the following options:

    • Reset all tasks: Resets all tasks at once.

    • Reset task ID(s): Allows you to restrict the tasks for the reset. The task ID name is equal to the name of the preselection object.

    • Reset tasks in state: Allows you to restrict the selection to a specific task type by selecting the tasks to be reset.

  • Execute task(s) (Ctrl+F8): Executes the tasks that are selected on the screen. This is only possible if all predecessor tasks have been finished.

  • Execute all (F8): Opens a pop-up where you can define the number of background jobs for executing the preselection. The following options are available:

    • Number of background jobs: Sets the limit of background jobs to be executed in parallel.

    • Number for partition jobs per task: Sets the limit of background jobs per business object or derivation path. This makes sense only if partitioning is set for the preselection.

    • Application server name: Specifies the application server on which the jobs are executed.

  • Stop task(s) (Ctrl+F9): Stops the execution of the selected task.

  • Stop all (F9): Stops all started background jobs.

  • Show statistics (Ctrl+F5): Opens a pop-up with the following information:

    • No. of new jobs: Number of tasks that are new.

    • No. of scheduled jobs: Number of tasks that have been scheduled.

    • No. of running jobs: Number of tasks that are currently running.

    • No. of jobs ended with warnings: Number of tasks that finished with a warning. This happens when a business object has at least one partially relevant record.

    • No. of successfully ended jobs: Number of tasks that have finished successfully.

    • No. of failed jobs: Number of tasks that failed.

    • No. of preselection jobs: Total number of preselection tasks.

    • Overall percentage done [%]: Percentage representation of the processed tasks.

    • No. of available BG sessions: Number of background processes that are not utilized.

  • Show results (Shift+F5): Opens a new screen with a list of business objects very similar to the one in the step Maintain business object inputs. The additional column Input records includes the number of rows preselected for the business object. You can double-click on a row in the left-hand ALV grid to display the list of the collected data on the right-hand side of the screen up to a defined number of rows. The toolbar provides the following functions:

    • Set max. number of records (F2): Opens a pop-up with the option to define the maximum number of results. Default value: 1,000.

    • Show preselection monitor (F5 or F3): Navigates back to the preselection monitor.

  • BO input (Shift+F6): Opens the Maintain business object inputs step.

  • Generate tasks (Shift+F11): Opens the Generate preselection tasks step.

  • Show part. rel. values (Shift+F9): Shows all partially relevant data in one screen. You can adjust the maximum number of records on the initial selection screen.